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發布時間:2016-08-20作者:曾雪蘭 黎煒馳 張武英瀏覽次數:682

The Practice and Revelation of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System Construction in the Carbon Emissions Trading Pilots in China
Zeng Xuelan,Li Weichi and Zhang Wuying

摘要:碳交易是為促進全球溫室氣體減排、 減少全球二氧化碳排放所采用的有效市場機制, 其中的碳交易MRV體系是實行碳交易制度、 企業低碳轉型及制定低碳發展政策的基礎支撐。由于我國各碳交易試點在實踐過程中面臨的問題各異, 其MRV體系呈現不同的規則和特點, 對未來全國性碳市場構建具有重要的借鑒意義。本文重點介紹了國內MRV體系的建設情況, 總結了各碳交易試點MRV體系在政策法規、報告內容及核查制度上的創新實踐。針對國家建設全國性碳交易市場的目標, 在分析各交易試點MRV體系建設現狀的基礎上, 提出構建全國MRV體系應該健全政策法規體系、 建立MRV體制優化機制, 同時充分發揮市場力量, 建立可持續的MRV核查制度。


Abstract: Carbon trading is the market mechanism adopted for promoting the reduction of global greenhouse gas emission, especially the reduction of carbon dioxide emission. And carbon emissions Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system is the foundation of emissions trading scheme, low carbon economy and low carbon development policy. As the domestic pilot sites of carbon emission trading facing different problems during practice, their MRV systems have presented diverse regulations and characteristics, which has important reference meanings to the construction of national carbon emission trading market. This passage gave a priority introduction to the MRV systems in local trading pilots of carbon emissions trading. Meanwhile the operating experience in policies and regulations, report content and verification system of different MRV systems was also summarized. In view of the construction of national carbon trading market and MRV system, the paper put forward a few suggestions based on the analysis of MRV system in trading pilots: enriching the sound system of regulations and policy content, setting up system optimization mechanism, and giving full play to the role of market forces to establish a sustainable verification system.

 Keywords: MRV;Carbon Emissions;Emissions Trading



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